A Common Misconception...
'Fat = Fat'
The Wellness Chef is trying to re-educate the world, starting with the first major misconception:
Fat is not the enemy, sugar is.
Equally, consuming 'fat' does not = being 'fat'
Our bodies recognise whole, full, healthy fats, they know what to do with them, how to process and extract what they need from them for energy, gut health and our metabolism. Fats are sectioned up and put to use around our bodies, with the small amount of natural occurring sugars being leftover and stored as 'backup energy sources'. This is so that if you ever had to go without food for long periods of time, you would have reserves to fall back on and supply you until you can eat again. Back in time, when we were hunter/gatherers, we would often go days without food, as it took time to source it/stalk prey, this is when these reserves were necessary for survival. In more recent times (pre-1960's), food was sparse and had to be grown, reared or rationed. This is why obesity is a modern day disease, the waiting for food has decreased, so our bodies are not having to live off/use up those fat reserves any more, and not only that, but we have now added more sugar into the equation, increasing the sheer volume of those "back up" reserves. It is the equivalent of buying emergency toilet paper for 'just in case', but holding so many extra supplies, that you have to extend your house more and more each time you stock up.
Fat Is Not The Enemy, Sugar Is...
'Low Fat = Pure Sugar'
These so called "low-fat" options, are by far the worst culprits, posing as foods that will help you to 'lose weight', when they in fact do the very opposite. If a whole fat food, like cheese, yoghurt or oil has had a large amount of the natural fat removed from it (the part that your body knows how to process), then what exactly is left in that product? Yes, that's right, that excess naturally occurring sugar that is stored as emergency reserves (aka, the bit that 'extends your house', or in human terms, makes you physically bigger). However, what do we do when we think something is 'healthy' or 'low in fat', we assume we can have higher quantities/eat it more often.
Think about what you have just learnt, now think about what that assumption and response does. Yes, that's right, we get none of the nutrition, but all of the leftover sugar. As a consequence of this, we get more and more now not-so-'emergency reserves' and we continuously put on weight, while the rest of our bodies are starved of what they need to function. This starvation of all the other areas of the body, now lacking in nutrients and good fats to break down into energy, now leaves you tired, lethargic and craving energy.
Portion control is key. But that doesn't mean constant hunger, that doesn't mean dull, tasteless foods, that doesn't mean only eating eggs or looking at food as components as opposed to something to be enjoyed/looked forward to.
Sandie proves every day, that the right food, food that your body understands and knows how to process, can be tasty, varied and most importantly, feel decadent! Without the ability to experience the decadence with food that we have all become so used to, we will never find a sustainable way of eating healthily.
The Wellness Chef teaches you how to create dishes that will never have you missing processed foods again, that is cooked in ways to get the best flavour from your ingredients and fuels you with all the nutrition your body needs to feel full, energised, emotionally satisfied and physically content.