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Katsu Curry

Prep Time:

Cook Time:


CURRY SAUCE makes 4 portions.

KATSU CHICKEN makes 4 portions.  


About the Recipe



3 tsp Curry Blend

25g Shallot, finely chopped

25g Tomatoes, roughly chopped

4 Garlic Cloves, crushed

1 inch Ginger, crushed

250ml Water (or stock if you prefer)

25g Butter/Cooking Coconut Oil

Salt to taste

Each portion contains:

337 Calories

4g Carbs

47g Protein

15g Fat


4 medium Chicken Breasts

2 tbsp Coconut Cooking Oil

1 tsp Curry Blend

30g Coconut Flour

30g Ground Almonds/Milled Linseed

70g Cauliflower, grated

1 Egg, beaten

Each portion contains:

337 calories

4g Carbs

47g Protein

15g Fat


Curry Sauce

  • 1 On a medium to low heat, soften the shallots in the oil.  Do not allow them to go brown.

  • 2 After about 5 minutes add the garlic and ginger and cook for 2 minutes, stirring continuously.

  • 3 Add the tomatoes and cook out for 5 minutes, until most of the moisture disappears.

  • 4 Add the curry blend and cook for a further 3 minutes.

  • 5 Add the water (or stock) and mix through.  It will naturally thicken but should still be quite a thin consistency.

  • 6 Add salt to taste after 5 minutes of simmering and set aside.

Katsu Chicken

  • 1 Place the coconut flour and half the curry blend in one bowl, the egg and the other half of the curry blend in a second bowl, the grated cauliflower and ground almonds in a third bowl.

  • 2 Take each chicken breast and place in the coconut flour first, egg mix second and cauliflower mix third.

  • 3 Heat the oil in a frying pan and shallow fry the chicken on a low heat as you want to cook the crust and chicken breast evenly.  This will take about 15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the chicken.

  • 4 Once the chicken is cooked, warm the sauce you prepared earlier.  Place the chicken on the plate and pour the sauce over the top.

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